VECTRA, Poland’s second largest cable operator and triple play services provider, will implement Suntech’s convergent CRM and a Billing System.
The new solution, integrated by Alcatel, will be implemented in order to improve customer service quality and fasten all management processes. This will give customers a quick and easy access to their billing details, services ordered, new offers and technical support. Moreover, the introduction of a new billing system will allow issuing convergent bills for all VECTRA’s services.
The system covers three main functional areas: Call Center, Billing and Work Flow. Call Center enables customer service over the phone, e-mail, fax and via internet communicator. Billing system deals with services provided by VECTRA such as: cable TV, broadband internet, telephony and other services to be implemented in future: digital TV, VoD, PPV. Work Flow coordinates business processes making customer relationship management easier: sales, technical support, invoicing, workforce scheduling, installation and activation.
"Implementation of new IT solutions is a huge organizational challenge, however it is necessary to follow market’s and customer’s demand. Cable business is changing constantly, because of easier access to convergent technologies of voice, data and video services. An operator willing to be competitive must use a platform able to process all the incoming business data. This is what we are doing with Alcatel and Suntech,' says Tomasz Żurański, CEO of VECTRA SA.
"Suntech is excited that the flexibility, performance and time-to-market advantages of our integrated CRM and Billing solution will support Vectra to achieve leadership on fast growing Polish Triple Play market," adds Piotr Saczuk, Suntech CEO.
CRM and Billing System will be integrated with the existing ERP IFS Applications and Alcatel Call Center. The start of the system is planned for June 2006.
Suntech Sp. z.o.o.