WAKEFIELD, Mass. -- Service providerswill find powerful new tools to supplement traditional revenue streamsin the newest release of the Comverse ONE(R) Billing and ActiveCustomer Management solution. Enhancements support advancedmonetization of new business models while maximizing personalizationthrough telco-specific CRM and real-time capabilities.
"As traditional industries become more connected, service providers cangain access to an extended addressable market rich with businessopportunities," said Roni Levy, Senior Vice President, Head of BSS forComverse (Nasdaq:CMVT), a global leader in BSS, mobile Internet, andvalue added services. "To effectively address the myriad ofopportunities, BSS ecosystems must be able to support amulti-dimensional approach to policy, personalization to the eventlevel, and flexible real-time rating and charging -- even fortraditional postpaid environments."
Comverse Inc. (Nasdaq: CNSI)