FOSTER CITY, Calif. -- Funambol, the leading provider of white-label personal cloud solutions for mobile phones and devices, today announced a major upgrade of its personal cloud solution with a new visual mobile timeline app. Funambol OneMediaHub lets users wirelessly secure digital photos, videos, files, contacts and calendars on mobile phones, tablets and computers in the cloud, sync them across devices and share them with other people and systems. It also enables mobile providers such as operators, device manufacturers and Internet portals to rapidly deliver a branded iCloud-like service for more devices. Funambol is upgrading its end user personal cloud service, previously called myFUNAMBOL, to the new OneMediaHub solution in March.
"Digital content needs to be increasingly synced across diverse mobile devices and computers -- wirelessly, securely and easily,” said J. Gerry Purdy, Ph.D., principal analyst with MobileTrax. "OneMediaHub enables mobile providers to deliver a valuable new service to attract and retain users under their own brand.”
Funambol Inc.