BOSTON -- Zoom Telephonics, Inc. /quotes/comstock/11k!zmtp (ZMTP 0.30, 0.00, 0.00%) today announced that it has begun high volume shipments of its new DOCSIS 3.0 cable modem to Best Buy, Micro Center, and Staples. Zoom achieved CableLabs(R) certification of this cable modem in March 2010, but Zoom held back shipments until it had received certifications from Comcast and Cox. Zoom wanted to be sure that its customers would be able to successfully use its cable modem with all U.S. service providers, including Comcast, Cox, and Charter.
"We are extremely pleased that we now have the range of certifications necessary to sell our new DOCSIS 3.0 cable modem at retail in North America," said Zoom President and CEO Frank Manning. "Zoom is among a very limited number of manufacturers who have the retail relationships, technical expertise, production capabilities, and customer support infrastructure needed to accomplish this."
Zoom Telephonics