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ZNYX Networks launches second generation of AdvancedTCA Ethernet switch blades
February 8, 2005
MEXICO CITY -- ZNYX NetworksInc., manufacturer of the ZX5000, the first AdvancedTCA(R) (ATCA) switch to be deployed by a major telecommunication carrier, today announced its second generation of switches for the ATCA chassis -- the ZX6000 and ZX7000 family of ATCA Modular Switching Platforms. This product family provides an ATCA chassis with a PICMG 3.0 Gigabit Ethernet base fabric, multiple options of PICMG 3.1 Gigabit Ethernet data fabric, extensive Ethernet uplink options and sites to host value-added modularity.
The ZX7000 48-port Gigabit Ethernet switch provides data fabric PICMC 3.1 Option 1 (1 Gigabit Ethernet link) or Option 2 (dual 1 Gigabit Ethernetlink)to the payload slots; base fabric PICMG 3.0 (1 Gigabit Ethernet link) to each payload slot; one or two in-band GigE management ports and switch-to-switch interlink; and, on a 16-slot chassis, 4-8 GigE external uplink ports or, on a 14-slot chassis, 6-8 external uplink ports. The uplink ports can be configured for front or rear access, or routed to on-board PMC/PTMC sites.
The ZX6000 24-port Gigabit Ethernet switch provides base fabric PICMC 3.0 (1 Gigabit Ethernet link) to each of the payload slots, one or two in-band GigE management ports and switch-to-switch GigE interlink. The 6-8 external ports, depending on chassis size, can be configured for front or rear access or routed to on-board PTMC sites.
The PMC/PTMC sites provide extensive configuration and value-add modularity. Both Gigabit Ethernet access and PCI bus access are supported. Each site can host a PTMC option 5 (dual Gigabit Ethernet link) module that is directly connected to the switch fabric. Thus, value-added services that require high Ethernet bandwidth such as Security gateways (IPsec, NAT, Firewalls, etc.), system boot services for the line cards, and packet process functionality (MPLS, IPv6 to IPv4 tunneling, etc.) can be hosted on the ZX7000 or ZX6000. Or, a site can host a PMC module which is connected via the PCI bus to the switch management CPU. This gives Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturers access to the wide variety of functions available in the PMC market such as modules for media conversion (ATM, T1/E1, or T3 to Ethernet), storage and memory. The ZX7000 has two PMC/PTMC sites and the ZX6000 has four.
"This next generation switch family provides unprecedented flexibility in meeting the demands of today's complex telecommunication architectures," said Connie Austin, President and CEO of ZNYX Networks. "Carriers are demanding higher capacity and higher density solutions without sacrificing flexibility. The extensive input we received from them over the last two years refined our vision for the ZX6000 and ZX7000 and resulted in a perfect solution for this demanding market."
ZNYX Networks Inc.
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