TULSA, Okla. -- Leveraging its expertise in providing high-quality voice services, WilTel Communications today unveiled IP-Enabled Voice Services to meet the growing demands of its wholesale customers.
WilTel's suite of IP-based voice services provides IP interconnections to carriers, resellers and VoIP providers, alleviating the need for protocol conversion. The addition of an IP-enabled voice architecture to WilTel's existing DMS-250 voice network allows it to provide both TDM and IP-basedvoice services to fit customers' specific needs. "Until recently, IP-based voice equipment and networks didn't meet WilTel's stringent quality standards," said Jeff Storey, president and chief executive officer for WilTel. "After extensive research, WilTel developed an IP voice model that enhances our customers' offerings to the end users while also meeting their demands for reliability and quality."
WilTelCommunications Group Inc.