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Fonex Data and Wave7 Optics to sell FTTH/FTTB networks in Canada; Wave7 granted 'Rural Utilities Service Acceptance' status by feds
June 9, 2003
ALPHARETTA, Ga. and MONTREAL -- Wave7 Optics, Inc. and FONEX DATA Systems, Inc. today announced an agreement that establishes FONEX DATA as a non-exclusive Value-Added Reseller (VAR) of the Last Mile Link® fiber-to-the-home and -business system throughout Canada. FONEX DATA provides a wide-variety of integration, design and support services to a diverse set of network operators, including: ILECs, MSOs, CLECs, ISPs and CAPs, and their expertise covers a broad range of local, wide and metro area networks.
“The reseller agreement with Wave7 represents a great opportunity for FONEX DATA to offer the most innovative optical solution available today for last-mile broadband access,” said Pasquale Di Pierro, President, FONEX DATA. “Given its ‘future-proof’ features and low ‘first costs,’ the Last Mile Link is well matched to the urban and rural broadband initiatives of the Canadian government and the requirements of existing service providers.”
The Wave7 Optics advanced IP (Internet protocol) and Ethernet standards-based optical access solution provides, over a single fiber, video (analog, digital and/or IP streaming), high-speed data (e.g., Internet service), “carrier-grade” telephony services (VoIP or circuit-based, including fax) and TDM synchronous circuits (including T1s or E1s). The system includes customer premise equipment (the Last Mile Gateway® series) optimized for businesses, single-family residences and multi-dwelling units and it supports a bi-directional data rate of 500 Mb/s per subscriber.
“FONEX DATA’s long and impressive track record in providing telecommunications and networking products to service providers throughout Canada make them an ideal partner for us in that country,” said Tom Tighe, President and CEO, Wave7 Optics.
In a separate release:
ALPHARETTA, Ga. -- Wave7 Optics today announced that their Last Mile Link® (LML) fiber-to-the-home network system has gained " Acceptance" from the Rural Utilities Service, an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture. All network elements of the LML product family now appear on the RUS List of Materials Acceptable for Use on Telecommunications Systems of RUS Borrowers, under “Access equipment.”
Products accepted by RUS must demonstrate compliance to federal regulatory requirements as well as industry standards, such as ISO 9001-2000 quality assurance and reliability criteria. Rural telecommunications services providers (including Internet service providers) and utility companies may use RUS loan funds to purchase network equipment appearing on this List.
"We are very pleased to achieve another key milestone for the LML," said Michael Wearsch, VP of Sales, Wave7 Optics. "We look forward to working with other rural telephone and utility companies who now have further incentive to consider our unique solution when they are going out to bid for residential and business broadband networks.”
RUS provides rural utility companies with low-interest financing for the purchase of telecommunications equipment from the RUS List of Acceptable Materials. The dedicated borrowers of the RUS have been providing solutions to problems associated with serving rural America for more than 50 years. Rural carriers are providing more broadband access and a higher deployment rate of access and advanced services every day.
For instance, rural network operators in Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, and other states are already installing the LML. The LML is an IP (Internet protocol) and Ethernet standards-based optical access system that provides all traditional “carrier-grade” telephone services (including fax), high-speed data (e.g., Internet service) and both analog and digital video (including IP streaming video). Featuring industry-leading privacy and security encryption techniques and industry-leading “quality of service” mechanisms designed for business applications, the LML overcomes the high-fiber counts, limited distance range and high central office equipment costs that have stymied the growth of FTTx systems.
Wave7 Optics Inc.
Fonex Data Systems Inc.
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