GUILDFORD, U.K. -- Telenor Mobil is today announcing the launch of a new mobile portal platform using software from Volantis. This platform makes mobile content and applications available to all subscribers via any mobile handset, thanks to a partnership between Volantis, Escenic and WM Data. Replacing the old Djuice WAP portal, this new platform makes Telenor Mobil's service easier to use for both customers and content authors. It extends Telenor Mobil's reach to more users, whilst at the same time limiting costs. The platform will enable Telenor Mobil to exploit the increasing capabilities of new handsets and launch new mobile services in a second phase of the project that will increase revenue generation even further.
Providing delivery of content to any mobile device can be a lengthy and costly process. However, the partnership between Volantis, WMData and Escenic reduces the time and cost normally associated with going multi-channel. Content authors and editors can create content using content management tools from Escenic, which is then automatically adapted for delivery to any mobile device using Volantis software.
In addition to the efficiencies outlined above, Telenor Mobil can support the delivery of content to any device even before it hits the market, through an automatic daily download of new devices prior to their general availability to the public. In doing so, this enables Telenor Mobil to "futureproof" its mobile content, meaning the portal does not have to be amended each time a new device becomes available.
Volantis Systems Ltd.
Telenor Mobil SA