Texas Instruments Inc. unveiled its first solution to integrate a DOCSIS 2.0 cable modem and software with a DSP and PacketCable IP voice software on a single chip.Called Puma IV, the voice-optimized architecture is intended to simplify embedded multimedia terminal adapter (E-MTA) designs, enabling suppliers to meet aggressive MSO product price targets.Dennis Rauschmayer, director of marketing for TI's Cable Modem Products Group, said the company is seeing significant demand for its current-generation DOCSIS and PacketCable chip and software solutions as MSO ramp up their IP telephony rollouts. Motorola and Arris are among TI's top E-MTA customers.'Orders are strong,' Rauschmayer said. 'It challenging to fulfill them.'As E-MTA volume continues to ramp, Rauschmayer says TI is looking to the Puma IV to keep the chip supplier well positioned with its current customers, while leading to some new design wins.