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T-Mobile selects Option's GlobeTrotter Fusion 3-in-1 broadband wireless data card
September 20, 2004
LEUVEN, Belgium -- OPTION (Euronext: OPTI), the wirelesstechnology company, and T-Mobile, subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom (NYSE: DT), one ofthe world’s leading mobile communications companies today announced that it hasselected Option’s GlobeTrotter FUSION™ broadband wireless data card to give the mobileprofessional easy and seamless access to T-Mobile’s UMTS/GPRS and Wi-Fi networks.In June of this year Option announced GlobeTrotter FUSION™, the world’s first 3-in-1 data card combining 3G, GPRS and Wi-Fi 802.11b/g technologies on a single PCCard, T-Mobile's choice for the GlobeTrotter FUSION™ clearly demonstrates the marketneed for broadband wireless data card solutions supporting multiple access bearertechnologies.
T-Mobile operates more than 8,500 public Wi-Fi hotspots worldwide, promotessecure access to the internet or corporate networks, and provides wireless coverage withinternational 3G and GPRS networks. Today’s mobile professional requires ubiquitouswireless access. Option’s GlobeTrotter FUSION™ is the only broadband wireless datacard solution available on the market today that fully satisfies the requirement for ubiquitousaccess, whilst enhancing the user data experience and convenience.
Jan Callewaert, CEO at Option: "Over the years we have built a solid businessrelationship with T-Mobile and I am very pleased that they have yet again selected aGlobeTrotter product for the launch of their new data card. T-Mobile’s decision to marketour GlobeTrotter FUSION 3-in-1 data card is an important milestone for both our companiesas it marks the third such product in the GlobeTrotter range that T-Mobile will be sourcingfrom Option."
T-Mobile was one of the first mobile operators in 1999 to market data services inGermany with Option’s FirstFone™, a GSM 900 data card. In 2002 T-Mobile launched itsGPRS packet switched data services with Option’s GlobeTrotter GPRS data card. In 2003T-Mobile selected Option's GlobeTrotter COMBO GPRS card with on board WLAN.Currently Option’s GlobeTrotter data cards are marketed under the T-Mobile brand inGermany, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary andPoland.
David Hytha, T-Mobile’s Executive VP of Terminals says: "T-Mobile is committed tosimple, seamless communications. Today’s announcement is another milestone enablingcustomers to take their office with them on the move. Full broadband speeds and TMobile’sunique Wi-Fi offering brings this strategy to life. Currently there are over 8,500 TMobileHotSpots worldwide. T-Mobile is delighted to be working with Option in the nextstage of our mobile access offering."
T-Mobile International AG
Option NV
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