SUNNYVALE, Calif. -- SonicWALL, Inc. (NASDAQ: SNWL) theleading provider of comprehensive Internet security solutions, todayannounced the immediate availability of a significant upgrade to its GlobalManagement System (GMS), an award-winning security management tool thatallows organizations of all sizes to manage distributed security deploymentsfrom a central location.Supporting tight integration of SonicWALL firewall and VPN appliances withRedCreek devices, SonicWALL GMS Standard Edition 2.2 now manages RedCreekRavlin devices running firmware version 3.8. For customers with networksecurity infrastructures including both Ravlin devices and SonicWALLappliances, SonicWALL GMS provides a single global management solution forthe remote deployment and enforcement of security policies. SonicWALL GMSStandard Edition 2.2 also features support for Windows XP, Oracle 9i, andSQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2."SonicWALL’s forward-looking business decisions, such as the acquisition ofRedCreek Communications, allows SonicWALL to absorb new R&D talent, enhancedistribution channels and strengthen market share, thus positioning thecompany as a formidable competitor," said Jason Wright, industry analyst,Frost & Sullivan. "I’m pleased to see the rapid integration of SonicWALL’sstrong GMS platform with the RedCreek Ravlin devices; this is where thebenefits of the relationship are truly realized by customers in a singleintegrated management platform."SonicWall Inc.