SMC Unlocks Cable IPTV GatewaySMC Unlocks Cable IPTV Gateway

SMC unveils the industryʼs most advanced Docsis 3.0 device, the SMCD3USG

February 16, 2010

1 Min Read

IRVINE, Calif. -- SMC has launched the SMCD3USG; the most technologically advanced DOCSIS 3.0 gatewayin the cable industry. The SMCD3USG is an industry-leading Multimedia gateway based uponDOCSIS 3.0 technology. The SMCD3USG delivers Video, Voice, Data, and enables newrevenue applications such as Home Security and Automation, DECT Voice, and IPTVdistribution. It is a versatile and robust gateway that can be deployed in residential markets as asolution to connect an entire home and share digital content.

“We feel that the SMCD3USG is the future for cable operators. It is a game-changer and a linein the sand for cable operators to differentiate from their competitors. The SMCD3USGincorporates many complimentary, leading-edge technologies into one robust gateway allowingcable operators to offer many new revenue-generating applications to their customers.Residential customers are demanding and willing to pay for value-added services like DECTVoice, Home Security, Home Automation, IPTV, and whole home distribution of digital contentas their home networking requirements grow.” says Todd Babic, Vice President of Sales,Broadband Business Development for SMC. “Deployment of DOCSIS 3.0 gateways like theSMCD3USG enables cable operators to offer these new services to their current andprospective residential customers. The SMCD3USG is a fantastic solution for cable operatorswho are looking for a bleeding-edge in-home device that is feature-rich, highly scalable, and anew service enabler.”

SMC Networks Inc.

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