PHILADELPHIA -- The Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE) headquartered in the United States and the Society of Cable Telecommunication Engineers (SCTE) based in the United Kingdom are pleased to announce that they have signed a Mutual Cooperation Agreement.
The signing party comprised Tom Gorman, chairman of the board of directors, John Clark, president/CEO, both with the U.S.-based SCTE, and Dr. Roger Blakeway, president of the U.K.-based SCTE. The signing ceremony was conducted this afternoon in Philadelphia at SCTE Cable-Tec Expo® 2008. Celebrating its 25th anniversary, Expo is the annual flagship event of the U.S.-based SCTE.
The two membership-based organizations, which are run independently of one another, have had a long relationship that was built in the ’80s and led to the signing of an International Charter of Cooperation in the early ’90s. The new agreement signed today reaffirms and refreshes the relationship between the two organizations.
The new agreement simplifies the relationship and provides for mutual support across several fields of activity. Both agree to cross promote major events on their websites and in publications. Their websites will be linked, providing visitors with seamless access to general content. In addition, there will be reciprocal member discounts for conferences, conventions, and bookstores.
Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE)