TEL AVIV -- RAD Data Communications has announced a majorexpansion of its development and marketing of ATM access products. Theannouncement follows Cisco’s closure of its Israel-based ATM accessdivision (established when it acquired Hynex), Lucent’s discontinuation ofits PSAX 600 product line (based on the former Sahara product line) andNortel’s discontinuation of its access solutions operations (based on theformer Sonoma product line). These three developments have left RAD as theleading player in ATM access, and, in particular, the intelligent CustomerLocated Equipment (CLE) arena.“Unlike Cisco, Lucent and Nortel, which all concentrate on the backbone fortheir core business, RAD Data Communications concentrates exclusively onaccess, a factor that makes us uniquely qualified for a leadership role inATM access as well,” explains Yoram Holtz, RAD’s Vice President ofMarketing.RAD Data Communications Ltd.