TEL AVIV -- Ceragon Networks Ltd. (NASDAQ and TASE:CRNT), a leading provider of high-capacity wireless backhaul solutions, and RAD DataCommunications, a leading provider of access solutions for fixed and mobile operators, todayannounced a joint solution that delivers optimal mobile backhaul networking by leveragingCeragon’s high-capacity microwave and RAD’s optimized mobile transport platform. The jointsolution helps operators reduce the Total Cost of Migration (TCM) of mobile backhaul networks toIP through enhanced network utilization and lower equipment costs.
The combination of RAD’s ACE multiservice access concentrator and ETX Ethernetintelligent demarcation device and Ceragon’s FibeAir® IP-MAX2 offers high-capacity wirelesstransport native in both Ethernet and TDM and traffic classification tools, including pseudowires,for delivering optimized TDM and ATM over packet and circuit-switched networks. The solutionalso enables higher network resources utilization through service multiplexing, Class of Service(CoS) based classification, traffic scheduling and more. Optimizing the number of E1/T1s andtheir associated costs alleviates the need for sizable cross connects, since some or all of theTDM/ATM traffic is terminated and carried over the packet network. This translates into lowerOPEX and CAPEX by significantly reducing the number of cables and patch panels, as well asshelf space, while improving service provisioning.
“The primary driver for transitioning to Ethernet backhaul remains reducing the cost pertransported bit,” explains Michael Howard, principal analyst at Infonetics Research. “Consideringthe exponential rise in backhaul traffic and that the proportion of cell sites being served bymicrowave is expected to grow in the next few years, the combination of pseudowire accesstechnologies with microwave Ethernet should prove attractive to many operators.”
“Mobile operators are seeking solutions that enable them to deliver greater amounts ofbandwidth at little incremental cost, and the joint Ceragon-RAD solution gives them that andmore,” explained Gaby Junowicz, Director of Business Development for Cellular Networks atRAD Data Communications. “Adding high-capacity wireless Ethernet to our product mix willempower our customers with a tool for expanding their networks and reach locations wheretrenching is too expensive,” he added. “This completes our IP backhaul offering and enables RADto offer cellular backhauling over any infrastructure.”
“Our joint go-to-market offering will help operators achieve lower costs of networkmigration to all IP, regardless of their migration strategy,” said Aviv Ronai, Chief Marketing Officerat Ceragon Networks. “Our market-leading wireless Ethernet solutions offer the highest levels ofspectral efficiency through our unique adaptive modulation and other advanced features,” henoted. “Together with RAD we bring a consistent, verified and migration-ready tool kit enablingour customers to choose the solution that fits their network requirements best.”
RAD Data Communications Ltd.
Ceragon Networks Ltd. (Nasdaq: CRNT)