HONG KONG -- NTT Com Asia Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of NTT Communications Corporation, held a Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony today for its new NTT Communications Hong Kong TKO Data Centre* as its first Financial Data Centre in Hong Kong. The Financial Data Centre will provide critical infrastructure designed to strengthen the city’s strategic position both as a global financial centre and as an Asian Information Communications Technology (ICT) hub.
Guests representing the HKSAR Government, Miss Elizabeth Tse, Permanent Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development (Communications & Technology), and Mr. Stephen Mak, Government Chief Information Officer, as well as Mr. Yuji Kumamaru, Consul-General, Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong, joined NTT Communications’ Mr. Akira Arima, President & CEO, NTT Communications Corporation, Mr. Kazunori Tanaka, President & CEO, NTT Worldwide Telecommunications Corporation and Mr. Takanobu Maeda, President & CEO, NTT Com Asia Limited in officiating at the ceremony.
“High frequency trading (HFT) now accounts for up to 70 percent of turnover in U.S. equity markets, according to press reports,” said Mr. Maeda. “Following this trend, Asian hedge funds, investment banks and other institutional investors are enhancing their IT infrastructure and adapting trading strategies to stay competitive in a trading environment where every microsecond counts. NTT Communications Hong Kong Financial Data Centre’s unique features of proximity to the stock exchange, its Ultra-low Latency Solution and Tier IV ready infrastructure will play a critical role in enabling the financial community to stay ahead of the game and accelerate growth in the Asia market,” Mr. Maeda noted.
NTT Communications Corp. (NYSE: NTT)