MOSCOW and WAKEFIELD, Mass. -- Comverse, a leading supplier of software and systems enabling network-based multimedia enhanced communication and billing services, has announced that Mobile TeleSystems (MTS), the largest mobile phone operator in Russia and the CIS, went live with the Comverse Real-Time Billing Solution to serve MTS’ vast subscriber base.
“Upon evaluation of the Comverse Real-Time Billing Solution, it made good business sense to deploy a comprehensive system that fulfils our billing needs while strengthening our marketing strategies,” said Mikhail Shamolin, vice president and director at MTS Russia. “Now that we’ve completed a smooth migration to the Comverse system, we’re ready to meet all requirements for future growth while delivering the highest level of services to our subscribers.”
Mobile TeleSystems OJSC (MTS) (NYSE: MBT)
Comverse Inc. (Nasdaq: CNSI)