BATH, U.K. -- Cramer Systems today announced that Pannon GSM, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Norwegian incumbent Telenor, has chosen Cramer software to automate provisioning processes and streamline network operations. Pannon GSM, which has some 40% of the Hungarian wireless market, will use Cramer to realize greater network efficiencies and faster service delivery as it rolls out new network infrastructure. Fornax, a Cramer partner with substantial experience serving the Hungarian market, will provide systems integration support.Cramer's Regional Manager for Eastern Europe, Paul Bromley said, "Cramer provides a total end to end automated network inventory solution that improves operational efficiency and business performance. Carriers here are responding very positively. Pannon GSM is Cramer's second customer in Central Europe in recent months, following our agreement with Slovenské telekomunikácie, a.s., to provide automated provisioning for fixed line services."Cramer Systems Ltd.Pannon GSM Rt.