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Metalink leads an EC-selected consortium in the U-Broad project, intended to create ultra-high-bit-rate over copper technologies
April 19, 2004
YAKUM, Israel -- Metalink Ltd. (Nasdaq: MTLK; www.metalinkBB.com), a global provider and developer of high performance wireline and wireless broadband communication silicon solutions, today announced the U-BROAD project, under the sixth framework program of the European Commission. The project focuses on ultra high bit rate over copper technologies for broadband multi-service access, addressing the strategic objectives of "Broadband For All" program that were set by the European Commission.
Consortium partners include: Metalink, France Telecom R&D (FTRD), Greece Hellenic Telecommunication Organization (OTE), RAD Data Communications, Telecommunication Systems Institute (TSI) at the Technical University of Crete, Bar Ilan University and Delft University of Technology.
"Marketing and content offers are continuing to develop. There are many more reasons to want to buy DSL than 12 months ago, and DSL services are beginning to extend beyond their residential consumer appeal, to business customers. Having said this, the central application of fast Internet access remains the key driver of demand ... Western Europe continues to lead North America in number of DSL lines, having overtaken it in Q3 2002. The Western European DSL market increased by 37.4% reaching almost 12.9m lines in the first half of 2003. Some European markets are growing very rapidly, with 7 out of 18 Western European countries that were investigated experiencing at least 50% growth," according to a Point Topic Research Report (www.point-topic.com).
"It is a real honor to have Metalink's name associated with such a prestigious consortium involving some of the most advanced Telecom R&D organizations such as France Telecom (FTR&D), Greece's Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (OTE) along with RAD Data Communications Ltd. and several of the top European Universities, as far as broadband research and development disciplines are concerned," said Tzvi Shukhman Chairman of the Board and CEO of Metalink Ltd.
"We are excited to contribute to the consortium identifying and solving challenges for bringing broadband technologies into the 21st century," agreed Dr. Amir Leshem of Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel; Professor Alle-Jan van der Veen of Delft University of Technology in Delft, The Netherlands; and Professor Nikos Sidiropoulos of Telecommunications Systems Institute Crete, Greece.
"We are very pleased to be a part of this project and to team up with Metalink, one of the world's leading provider of broadband silicon technology solutions," said Zohar Zisapel, Chairman of the Board of the RAD Group. "Reaching customers over existing copper lines with multi-service capabilities is a real breakthrough that allow incumbent, as well as competitive carriers, to offer high bandwidth access to existing legacy networks as well as to the next generation networks, without having to lay fiber optic cable to every customer," concluded Mr. Zisapel.
Metalink Ltd.
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