STAMFORD, Conn. – Charter Communications, Inc. today announced the launch of Spectrum Community Assist, a $30 million, five-year philanthropic initiative to revitalize community centers in rural and urban areas, and invest in job training programs in underserved communities across the company's 41-state footprint. By 2025, Charter will improve 100 centers across the country, impacting an estimated 50,000 local residents, including through financial support for job skills training programs, new technology and 1 gigabit high-speed internet service, as well as building refurbishments and repairs. Charter kicks off the program on Sept. 18 at the Better Family Life Community Center in St. Louis, followed by similar events in Charlotte next month and Stamford in November.
Through Spectrum Community Assist, Charter will partner with national and local nonprofit organizations to identify and improve community centers in underserved areas in need of support. At each center, revitalization events with employee and community volunteers will be held to repair and enhance the physical buildings. As part of Charter's ongoing commitment, the company also will invest in the centers' job training efforts with cash grants and in-kind contributions, improve physical classroom spaces and provide new equipment, including laptops and furniture. Additionally, because broadband is a critical component of a community center's infrastructure, Charter will offer each community center its advanced 1 gigabit internet service.
Charter Launches Spectrum Community Assist in St. Louis
Charter kicks off its Spectrum Community Assist program in St. Louis on Sept. 18, with an event at Better Family Life, a nonprofit community service agency that provides short-term training to employment programs, in-demand industry certifications, job placement and retention services, call center representative classes and the possibility of micro loans for entrepreneurs looking to start their own small businesses.
Physical improvements to be completed by Charter employees and community volunteers include painting, landscaping and light construction. Charter's investment also will provide a new smartboard, chairs and 25 new laptops for a newly refurbished classroom, which will be unveiled as the Spectrum Training and Technology Center. Additionally, Charter will donate $50,000 to Better Family Life to support its career development programs, which will enable more individuals to take advantage of the center's job training offerings. Additional support will be provided to ensure connectivity through the company's advanced suite of Spectrum broadband services.
Following the St. Louis event, Charter will sponsor Spectrum Community Assist events with community partners in several other markets throughout 2021, including Charlotte on Oct. 16 and Stamford on Nov. 13, with additional revitalization projects planned for 2022 and beyond. More information on Charter's philanthropic initiatives, including Spectrum Community Assist, is available at
Read the full announcement here.
Charter Communications