SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Cavium Networks, a fabless semiconductor company today announced that it has been sampling the NITROX Security Macro processor since March 2002. The NITROX processor is a single chip security-processing solution that accelerates security protocols such as IPsec and SSL with bulk encryption and secure session establishment. "Today by announcing NITROX's availability, we are changing the security processing landscape forever," said Syed Ali, President and CEO of Cavium Networks. " NITROX's value proposition of 10x performance with low cost, power and area will change the economics of security deployment. With easy integration and low cost, we will enable wide spread deployment of secure applications that we only have talked about. Secure DNS, iSCSI, authenticated Microsoft .NET services and traditional SSL, IPsec applications can now be integrated into systems with little to no performance penalty." Cavium Networks