BEDMINSTER, N.J. -- AT&T announced today it has won a $7.5 million, three-yearcontract from Skanska USA Building to provide an integrated, fully managedvoice and data networking solution linking company locations across theUnited States. One of the nation's largest commercial construction andproject development companies, Skanska USA Building is a subsidiary ofSweden-based Skanska AB, a global construction services group.AT&T will assume management of Skanska USA Building's existing data networkand migrate the company to a fully managed, network-based Internet ProtocolVirtual Private Network (IP VPN). The new network will support Skanska USABuilding's mission-critical financial systems, project management systemsand communications tools such as email, local and long-distance voice, dataand video.
The networking capabilities will enable Skanska USA Building toupgrade online collaborative project management processes among itsgeographically dispersed teams, which may be working at up to 1,000 jobsites around the U.S. at any given time. The distributed architecturetechnology enables team members at any company hub site to view informationsimultaneously.
"Our managers can now focus their attention on where money is made --serving customers in the field," said Chris Stockley, CIO of Skanska USABuilding. "Having AT&T's industry-leading technology at our disposalenables us to integrate disparate and diverse requirements into oneconsistent voice and data network."
AT&T will manage Skanska USA's network though its integrated GlobalEnterprise Management System (iGEMS), an end-to-end global networkmanagement platform that enables AT&T to proactively monitor and manage theperformance of clients' networks and address potential problems before theyoccur. Also, through the AT&T BusinessDirect Web portal, Skanska USA gains onlineaccess to up-to-the-minute information about the performance of its network,applications and the status of orders or maintenance requests.
"Customers look to us to design and rapidly deploy networking solutionsthat have a positive impact on their business," said Marc Melloy, vicepresident - AT&T Global Sales. "Skanska had a vision to make its networkready to adapt to the technology continuum as their company grows, and AT&Tis making it happen."
In a separate release:
AT&T announced today that it has won a three-year, $5million contract to provide Lincoln Education Services Corp. an integrateddata and voice networking solution supporting its 23 campuses across theUnited States. New Jersey-based Lincoln Education Services Corp. is aleading provider of career education and training, graduating over 8000students for technical positions in a variety of fields.The AT&T solution is based on a dedicated site-to-site Internet ProtocolVirtual Private Network (IP VPN) that enables Lincoln Education ServicesCorp. to deploy Voice over IP (VoIP) technology and integrate all voice anddata services on one network, thereby more economically and efficientlymanaging telecommunications and information services.
AT&T also will provide Lincoln Educational Services Corp. with localand long-distance telephone service.
"AT&T is providing a solution that handles our traffic on a single network,while reducing our dependence on multiple local exchange carriers," saidDavid Carney, Chairman & CEO of Lincoln Educational Services Corp. "Theaccount team gave me an education on the value AT&T and its comprehensivesolution provides, and I was very comfortable placing my business - andtrust - in their capable hands."
AT&T will network Lincoln Educational Services' 23 campuses via a dedicatedhigh-speed connection that enhances reliability and redundancy. To provideadditional security and assure business continuity under virtually anycircumstances, Lincoln Educational Services Corp. will migrate its datacenter into AT&T's International Data Center (IDC) in Secaucus, N.J. AT&T'sIDC will now host all of Lincoln's mission-critical educational and businessapplications.
AT&T Corp.