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A Nokia sale of mobile, especially to the US, would be nuts
Nokia's hiring of Intel's Justin Hotard to be its new CEO has set tongues wagging again about a mobile exit, but it would look counterintuitive and inadvisable.
AT&T and partners launch 'Unisiti,' the first sino-foreign telecom services joint venture in China
March 22, 2002
BASKING RIDGE, N.J. -- The first Sino-foreign telecom services joint ventureofficially launched its business today. Shanghai Symphony Telecom, whichwill market its services under the brand name - Unisiti - is a joint venturebetween AT&T, Shanghai Telecom (STC), and Shanghai Information Investment(SII).Unisiti is the first and only joint venture company in China with foreignparticipation to provide IP-based data services to business customers in thePudong business district of Shanghai. In addition to its own portfolio ofproducts and services, Unisiti will offer a range of services from parentcompanies AT&T and China Telecom."Our customers want to reduce the complexity, challenges and risks ofoperating enterprise and global networks," said C. Michael Armstrong,Chairman and CEO of AT&T, who participated in today’s launch in Shanghai. "Unisiti is the answer to our customers’ needs in China, and an importantmilestone in AT&T’s overall global strategy to provide customers withhigh-value, high-quality services worldwide."AT&T Corp.
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