ANNAPOLIS, Md. -- Annapolis is about to go wireless with a free public WiFi hotspot powered by Nortel*[NYSE/TSX: NT] wireless mesh technology. Local company Annapolis Wireless** will hold its official wire cutting to mark the launch of WiFi service available to everyone on April 29, 2:30 pm in a public ceremony on City Dock at the Market House.
The wire cutting ceremony is hosted by the Anne Arundel Tech Council,** a non-profit membership organization for technology companies in the Anne Arundel County area. Nortel, which is working with Annapolis Wireless, is an event sponsor and wireless mesh technology provider for the system. SECU Credit Union,** Maryland's largest credit union, is also an event sponsor. Maryland Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr., Mayor Ellen Moyer and county officials will be on hand to celebrate the WiFi launch.
The creation of a city-wide WiFi system marks Annapolis' entrée into a technologically sophisticated group of cities. Cities such as Philadelphia, Houston and New Orleans also provide free WiFi access. But Annapolis' WiFi carries a distinct difference - many other cities provide the access using taxpayer funds. Annapolis Wireless, by offering sponsorships and advertising to area businesses on its splash page, is able to provide WiFi access to the public without using taxpayer dollars.
"Our partnerships with Nortel and area businesses have made the launch of this city-wide system possible," said Phil McQuade, president of Annapolis Wireless. "We had advertisers and sponsors before we even launched the WiFi service city-wide, proving that businesses clearly see the value in reaching a targeted audience. It's because of the public-private partnerships that have been happening that we're able to provide this free service to the residents and businesses of Annapolis. We commend the City of Annapolis, area business leaders and our partners for recognizing the importance and viability of a public hotspot in Annapolis"
Nortel Networks Ltd.