LONDON -- Actix, the global provider of wireless network performance engineering solutions, today announced that it has formed a partnership with reseller 4G Technology based in South Africa. The partnership with 4G Technology will enable Actix to more effectively service the African wireless telecommunications market, ensuring that the specific needs of Actix' African customers can be addressed at all levels by a local distributor.
Actix' wireless performance engineering solutions are entirely vendor independent and enable operators to analyze raw wireless network data from a mix of network technologies, systems and data collection solutions in fine detail. This gives an end-to-end picture of vital wireless functions and the quality of service delivery from the subscriber's perspective; it also enables engineers to 'drill down' to the root cause of any deficiencies. Some of the operators using Actix' 3G solutions include: SKT Korea, FET Taiwan, Orange France, 3GIS, Hutchison 3G UK, Swisscom, Mobilkom, US Cellular, Verizon Wireless, Bell Mobility, Sprint PCS, and Qwest Wireless.
Actix already works with a range of customers in Africa, including MTN Nigeria and Safaricom in Kenya. With its suite of 2G, 2.5G and 3G radio network troubleshooting and optimization software, Actix is uniquely placed to enable African wireless operators to meet the huge requirements for voice telephony on most of the continent, in parallel with the rollout of technologies like GPRS, EDGE and UMTS in some countries.
Actix Ltd.