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Huawei defies US to grow market share as RAN decline ends – Omdia
The worst is now behind vendors in the market for mobile network equipment, with Omdia forecasting slight growth outside China this year.
Accenture's service delivery platform to utilize Microsoft Connected Services framework
June 7, 2005
NEW YORK and REDMOND, Wash. -- Accenture and Microsoft Corp. today announced that Accenture will utilize Microsoft® Connected Services Framework as the core component for the .NET-based version of its Service Delivery Platform, a solution to enable the rapid launch of wireline and wireless multimedia services. Accenture's Service Delivery Platform is part of Accenture Communications Solutions, an industry suite of leading-edge business solutions for communication service providers.
Together, the Accenture Service Delivery Platform and Microsoft Connected Services Framework provide a compelling environment for the rapid deployment, provisioning, execution, management and billing of value-added services, including Internet Protocol television (IPTV). The combined solution builds on the success that each company has achieved respectively in the services enablement market.
"Broadband penetration has reached a tipping point as consumers become accustomed to high-speed connections to the home and accessing advanced services, such as music downloads, VoIP and digital photography," said Dan Elron, managing partner of the Communications Industry group at Accenture. "The time is right for service providers to leverage the reliability and ubiquity of their networks to offer lower-cost advanced services, allowing customers to pay for service the way they purchase electricity or pay-per-view television programming. Accenture's Service Delivery Platform and Microsoft Connected Services Framework provide a dynamic environment for creating and deploying these services."
Microsoft Corp.
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