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What Ericsson gets wrong in its doom-mongering about Europe's 5G
Europe's biggest 5G kit maker unsurprisingly thinks the world needs more 5G, but Europe does better on connectivity – if not tech – than Ericsson makes out.
Join host Sterling, Senior Principal Analyst at Light Reading, and Joe Marsella, Vice President, Product Line Management at Ciena, as they discuss the evolution of business class PON for the enterprise.
During the discussion, participants will explore the evolving role of PON technology and networks for enterprise applications. PON technology is becoming crucial in the enterprise, offering efficient connectivity solutions with improved performance, cost-effectiveness, scalability, and support for advanced applications. As data traffic grows and enterprises undergo digital transformation, PONs provide reliable and future-proof connectivity for evolving network and business needs.
The evolution of the Optical Line Terminal
Bandwidth and Latency Analysis of 25GS PON
What Could You Do With 100 Gbps Coherent PON?
A path to better broadband: Achieving optimal coverage and uptake through open access
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