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Vodafone Egypt to build all-new communications infrastructure using 3Com Gigabit Ethernet switches and XRN technology
May 1, 2003
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates -- As a company whose market dominance is built on givingcustomers pioneering mobile telecommunication services, Vodafone Egypt iscommitted to using only the best technologies across all areas of itsbusiness. To support the company’s continuing business growth and improveoperational effectiveness, Vodafone Egypt is rebuilding its corporatecommunication infrastructure using 3Com® eXpandable Resilient Networking(XRN™) technology and Gigabit Ethernet switches.
“The 3Com solution guarantees we’ll have the resilient, powerful and costeffective infrastructure we need to meet the escalating demands of afast-growing organisation in a highly competitive environment,” said MohamedRefaat, senior data network engineer at Vodafone Egypt. “It will improveoperational efficiency and productivity while making life easier for boththe IT team and our direct customers – the company’s 1,900 staff. Withessential business systems operating at peak efficiency, and more staffhaving fast and reliable access to up-to-date customer information, our twomillion plus customers will ultimately benefit from timely and informedcustomer service and accurate billing.”
3Com secured the contract following a competitive tender that involved anumber of well-known networking vendors. Vodafone Egypt’s newinfrastructure features an entirely new design based on the 3Com Switch4007, 3Com SuperStack® 3 Switch 4924 and SuperStack 3 Switch 4400. VodafoneEgypt will use the XRN Interconnect Kit in conjunction with its two 3ComSuperStack 3 Switch 4924s to interconnect the two switches and create adistributed fabric core which will improve network performance andavailability while, crucially, enhancing network redundancy. Vodafone Egyptwill also use 3Com Network Supervisor to manage the network. 3Com willcontinue to work closely with local channel partners Tritech and Permatechnology in delivering and supporting the solution.
Refaat continued: “We were particularly impressed with the degree ofredundancy offered by the 3Com XRN technology. Maximising uptime isabsolutely essential to Vodafone Egypt’s business. Take the fact that wecalculate charges for a customer’s service use by the second, what mightseem like negligible downtime can seriously undermine the accuracy of ourbilling systems. While we highlighted redundancy through to Layer 3 as anessential feature of any proposed solution, we found that few companiescould provide an effective response. By using XRN technology to complementthe superlative redundancy and resilience features provided by theSuperStack 3 Switch 4924 – and, indeed, all 3Com switches – we’re confidentof having 100 per cent network availability.”
3Com Corp.
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