LONDON -- The United Kingdom Internet Forum, the UK’s fastest growing regulatory affairs company, is delighted to announce Dr. Willie Black as its first chairman. In a statement published today Dr. Black laid down his vision for the future of UKIF by commenting that while “regulation of the UK technology and communications industries remains pivotal, it is important that all players have the opportunity to shape proposed government regulation of the industry”.
Dr. Black, who recently stepped down as Chairman of Nominet UK, believes that the communications industry has required an organisation such as UKIF for a long time. He said, “During the past nine years the communications industry has developed considerably but regulatory changes have yet to be properly addressed. I am delighted to chair UKIF, an organisation that will provide services for its subscribers on an independent and transparent basis with direction guided by both its policy board and subscribers themselves”.
In 2005 UKIF is building on the initial success of persuading BT to review the price increase in wholesale broadband and is already actively working for industry in areas including Ofcom’s Strategic Review of Telecommunications Phase Two. This review is one of the most important aspects of UK telecoms legislation that will have far-reaching affects on the industry. It could lead to the break up of BT, set the levels of competition in the new voice markets, determine the future of access to existing networks and pave the way for the roll-out of broadband to the regions.
In a move that will strengthen UKIF, Dr. Black is joined on the board by Keith Mitchell and Stephen Dyer, who, collectively, bring a wealth of experience in the technology sector to UKIF.
Mitchell, Chief Technical Officer of XchangePoint, brings in-depth knowledge and experience of IP Transit’s, networks and Telecoms. Mitchell will guide UKIF’s policy direction detailing the future of technology. He is currently working on behalf of UKIF on the Next Generation Networks consultations that will establish the principles for the future of networks in the UK.
Dyer, Chairman of ISP Mailbox Internet who recently resigned from the council of ISPA, has the experience and understanding of the challenges that face communications companies in a tough market. This knowledge will help shape UKIF’s understanding of the commercial pressures that individual operators face on a daily basis.
United Kingdom Internet Forum