The Great Pickle
One more depressing problem
December 12, 2008
12:40 PM -- The Gray Lady is wringing her cold, stiff hands over what to call the continuing economic collapse:
No Question We’re in a Financial Pickle. What Do We Call It?
The economy is formally in a recession, as the National Bureau of Economic Research and President Bush said last week. But the current crisis lacks a capital-letter name.
Then again, the Great Depression did not become “great” immediately, and World War I wasn’t known as No. 1 at the time. While the “economic crisis” — a term often used by journalists — has also been called the “credit crunch” and the “Wall Street crisis,” it remains the rare major news event without a defining logo, one that crystallizes attention and acts as shorthand for reporters.
Sigh. Yet another worry. How 'bout "Depression"? Does that work for you?
— Larry, Attack Monkey, Light Reading
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