MOUNT LAUREL, N.J. -- TelVue Corporation (OTCQB: TEVE), a leader in IP TelevisionBroadcasting, today announced the introduction of its B1000 HyperCaster™ IP Broadcast Server whichprovides cable operators a hassle-free, low-cost way to launch high quality, professional grade, 24×7 digitaltelevision channels within minutes of un-packing. Hardware savings of up to 75% can be achieved through theelimination of real-time encoders and legacy baseband play-out systems. The B1000 HyperCaster provides IPorigination for up to 20 independent digital broadcast channels supporting local origination (LO), leased access(LA), PEG channels and longform advertising.
When the B1000 HyperCaster™ is used in conjunction with the TelVue Connect™ cloud-based BroadcastContent Management System, cable operators can achieve dramatic workflow improvement and labor costreductions of 60% to 80% in typical LO/LA operations.
“Current LO/LA workflow incorporates a patchwork of legacy analog playout servers and equipment that don’tfit in the modern digital headend and require per-channel real-time encoders,” said Jesse Lerman, TelVuePresident and CEO. “The problem is compounded when multiple programming contributors are submittingdifferent media types and video formats making LO/LA channels a huge challenge to manage and schedule. Allthis complexity has led the industry to regard LO/LA as a burden while subscribers are demanding more localcontent. By deploying the TelVue HyperCaster™ with TelVue Connect™, LO/LA channels can now be asignificant revenue opportunity as well as a competitive differentiator.”
TelVue Corp.