FORNEBU, Norway -- The choice of Telenor as the main supplier of ICT infrastructure to the new St. Olav's Hospital in Trondheim ("Helsebygg Midt-Norge"), is proof that Telenor's solutions combine technology and human resources in such a way as to give customers a competitive edge. This is a comprehensive contract, and we look forward to be part of creating the hospital of the future, to the benefit of both patients and employees," said Executive Vice President Morten Karlsen Sørby, head of Telenor's activities in the Norwegian market.
The contract, which was made public at a press conference held by Helsebygg Midt-Norge on Tuesday, is for the full development and operation of ICT solutions for the first construction stage of the new St. Olav's Hospital in Trondheim. Telenor is the main supplier, and will be responsible for design, projecting, supply, training and operation of network electronics, cabling, wireless networks, and advanced telephony solutions to the hospital. Patient terminals and portable data and telecommunications units are also part of the supply. Telenor will cooperate closely with HP Norway and a number of other sub-contractors, many of them based in the Sør-Trøndelag region in Mid-Norway.
As part of the agreement, Telenor will have an option in management of the solution for a period of up to eight years, and also an option to supply IT solutions to the second construction stage of the new university hospital, as well as to other parts of Helse Midt-Norge. With these future options included, the contract could secure Telenor and its sub-contractors a total turnover of up to NOK 1 billion for the duration of the project.
The new hospital aims to have Norway's most advanced IT solutions. Regardless of where they are in the hospital, health personnel will have access to wireless equipment that can provide them with such important information as patient journals.
"Telenor's vision is "Ideas that simplify". We intend to realise this vision at St. Olav's Hospital. Many of the solutions and products that we will be installing have already been adopted at Telenor's headquarters at Fornebu, and at our regional main points in Trondheim, Bergen and Stavanger. Our employees at these locations are already familiar with the wireless workday, either from their home offices, or from travelling," said Morten Karlsen Sørby. Telenor and HP will be working closely together to implement the agreement. The already close partnership between Norway's largest ICT supplier and the world's largest IT supplier will thus be continued.
"We are very proud to be chosen as partner for this project, and we will be humble as we approach the work at hand. Telenor and HP have previously been successful in their implementation of the new infrastructure at Telenor's new headquarters at Fornebu. Together, we possess invaluable experience and excellence that enables us to take on such large projects," said Frode Haugli, CEO of HP Norway.
Telenor ASA