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Survey finds Austrians love the iPhone but mainly use Nokia
August 25, 2011
VIENNA -- The Telekom Austria Group’s domestic subsidiary A1 has presented the Social Impact Study 2011, which was carried out by the Austrian research institute GfK Austria for the 12th year in a row among 1,210 mobile users from the age of 12 years. The survey mainly focused on mobile services and revealed that the mobile phone has become an all-round device for Austrian users, providing a great variety of functions. These ranged from voice telephony, text messages, e-mails, instant messaging and social media posts.
The study showed that smart features on the mobile phone continue to boom: every fifth survey participant (18%), who does not have a smartphone yet, plans to buy one in the next 6 months. Among young men between 12 and 29 years of age, the percentage of potential smartphone buyers amounts to 28%. Furthermore, 25% of the interviewed users go online via the mobile phone, a 10% increase compared to the previous year. In the male age group 12-29 mobile Internet users account for 41%. In 2011, the use of mobile e-mails has increased by 8 percentage points to 23% year-on-year and the use of social networks by 7 percentage points to 16%. On average, every fourth Austrian uses apps regardless of age, gender or regional origin: 44% of young men between 12 and 29 years of age and 61% of smartphone customers are apps users in Austria. The usage of apps among the general public has increased by 18 percentage points to 25% year-on-year. At present, the most popular apps are online games, news and social media. Local information also plays a crucial role, with 65% of the interviewed people showing interest in apps with a local focus.
As to the main factors that influence buyer’s decisions when purchasing a new mobile phone, price accounts for 57%, menu navigation and display size for 41% respectively, battery life as well as touch screen and a good camera for 39% and ease of use for 85%. The operating system of a mobile device is also playing an increasingly crucial role especially among young men: 33% of the young survey participants and 17% of the general public consider it the most important feature when buying a new mobile device. 38% of Austrian smartphone users opt for Android, 30% prefer Apples iOS and 13% Symbian, whereas Windows operating systems account for 9%, BlackBerry for 6% and Samsung Bada for 3%. Nokia is the most popular brand in Austria (42%), followed by Samsung (20%) and Sony Ericsson (13%), with the iPhone ranking 4th with 9%.
As far as customer satisfaction is concerned, the study revealed that iPhone users are the most satisfied customers in Austria. Two thirds (67%) of the interviewed users are extremely happy with their iPhone and 27% are satisfied. Austrian HTC customers rank second in terms of satisfaction: 55% of them consider themselves very happy. In general, customer satisfaction among mobile users is very high countrywide.
Telekom Austria AG (NYSE: TKA; Vienna: TKA)
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