SAN FRANCISCO -- Solidum, a leader in the design and development of programmable classification processors for network edge equipment, today announced complete classification processing support for the next generation of Intel network processors, including the new Intel(R) IXP2400 and IXP2800 Network Processors. "As a member of the Intel(R) Internet Exchange Architecture (Intel(R) IXA) Developer Network we are committed to provide seamless hardware integration with Intel's network processors through standard interfaces," says Richard White, President and CEO, Solidum. "This will make it easier for network equipment manufacturers to design systems that take advantage of the combined speed, power and flexibility of Solidum's classification processors and Intel's network processors. We demonstrated the benefits of this combined solution earlier this year with the release of our PAX.port 1200, which offered a glueless interface to the Intel(R) IXP1200 Network Processor. We will continue to provide the same ease of use for Intel's network processors with future product releases." Solidum Systems Corp.