LAS VEGAS -- Sigma Designs, the world leader in connectedmedia platforms, today introduced a suite of home video conferencing solutions aimed at the consumerelectronics market. These new solutions, which include a HD Camera, a console and a remote control,takes advantage of Sigma Designs heritage as a IPTV STB provider to OEMs and service providers toadd an immersive video conferencing experience that fits into any home. Sigma will be demonstratingtwo of these solutions at CES 2012 in Las Vegas.
This device combines Sigma’s PL330 video encoder technology with its SMP8670 secure mediaprocessor technology, to combine home video conferencing solutions with video streaming services in aSet Top Box (STB) design. Sigma’s team provides the hardware and software to develop user interfacethat enables seamless transition from watching video programs to making video conferencing calls,access video messages, manage contacts, and customize their profile and settings when connected to aHD television and a broadband connection. With the integrated HD camera, users can also record theirown videos, which can be shared on Facebook, YouTube, or via email.
“Sigma Designs continues to be the leader in delivering innovative experiences to the connected homesaid Sal Cobar, executive vice president of sales and marketing at Sigma Designs. “Now, HD videoconferencing is, for the first time, extended to the living room, giving consumers an exciting andinteresting new use for their television and set top box and allowing service providers to offer more valueadded solutions to their subscribers.”
In a separate release:
LAS VEGAS -- Sigma Designs, the leader inconnected media platforms, today announced a joint Wi-Fi Display / DLNA IPTV referencedesign with Qualcomm Atheros Inc., the networking and connectivity subsidiary of QualcommIncorporated.This new design enables connected media players based on Sigma MediaProcessors, to receive video wirelessly over the emerging Wi-Fi Display™ standard supported byQualcomm Atheros Wi-Fi devices as well as being interoperable with DLNA enabled devicessupporting the appropriate profiles. The companies plan to demonstrate the solution at CES 2012.
The new platform combines Qualcomm Atheros’ 2x2 dual band 802.11n solutions like theAR9342 with Sigma’s highly integrated SMP8670 secure media processor to deliver wirelessconnectivity directly from Wi-Fi Display or DLNA-enabled notebook or mobile device to a settop-box. This solution enables consumers to stream multimedia via Wi-Fi Display standard orDLNA standard, as well as access over-the-top services, directly, through their IPTV mediaplayer to their TV monitor.
“We are happy to work with Qualcomm Atheros to integrate their Wi-Fi chipset technology withour secure media processors to bring the first generation of Wi-Fi Display solutions to market.”said Thinh Tran, CEO and chairman at Sigma Designs. “This allows millions of notebook, tabletand smartphone users to instantly and wirelessly share content with friends and family on theirlarge screen HDTV in the living room.”
In a separate release:
LAS VEGAS -- Sigma Designs, the leader in connectedmedia platforms, today announced that it is adding Intel’s Wireless Display (WiDi) technology toits set top box (STB) reference designs, enabling consumer electronics partners to deliver a widerrange of viewable content, by streaming content from notebooks wirelessly to a HDTV via aSTB.
Intel introduced its WiDi technology exclusively with Sigma Designs’ System-on-Chip (SoC)solutions in 2009. Since then, the two companies have partnered to successfully launch threegenerations of products for single-function TV adapters to enable consumers to share theirnotebook screen on their HDTV. This is the first time Sigma Designs and Intel are offering areference platform where Intel WiDi can be added to a multi-functional Over-The-Top (OTT)STB. This design will be provided directly by Sigma Designs.
“Intel has continued to innovate their offerings for both consumers and OEMs by now enablingtheir WiDi technology to push a notebook experience directly to a HDTV on a Sigma-poweredset top box,” said Thinh Tran, CEO and Chairman, of Sigma Designs. “Sigma Designs securemedia processors offer a wide range of codec support in addition to a broad range of OTTapplications, making it the ideal choice for OEMs.”
In a separate release:
LAS VEGAS -- Sigma Designs, the world leader in connectedmedia platforms, today announced it has teamed with Avtrex, Inc. and Syabas Technologies, to addleading software and middleware technology to the industry’s most advanced platform reference design,the Ultra Thin Set-Top Box. The addition of these technologies will speed time to market for OEMsinterested in packaging this unique design and selling it on the marketplace quickly. This reference designcontinues to add fuel to the growing market for set-top-boxes by enabling the ability to stream highdefinitioncontent from the Web, in 1080p, via networking through powerline, all in a device so small thatit fits in the palm of your hand.
“Cutting cost and, at the same time, improving the customer experience, is the ‘holy grail’ for serviceproviders,” said Thinh Tran, chairman and CEO at Sigma Designs. “With the addition of middlewarefrom Avtrex and Syabas, it is easier than ever for OEMs and service providers to deliver the fully selfinstallSigma Ultra-Thin, dramatically reducing deployment costs while delivering solid performance aswell.”
Sigma Designs Inc. (Nasdaq: SIGM)