DALLAS -- Ashland,MA-based Paragon, one of the country's largest suppliers of secondarymarket telecommunications equipment, today announces that it was chosen byNortel to be an Authorized Nortel Certified Remanufactured Partner. Nortelselected Paragon based on its 10-year reputation as one of the country'slargest suppliers of refurbished telecom equipment. Nortel acknowledgedParagon's commitment to its customers, providing the highest level oftechnical expertise, customer support and its on-hand inventory of Nortelequipment.
"We are thrilled to be partnering with Nortel," said Mike Prefontaine,President of Paragon. "Our experience in the industry and our existingbusiness model are firmly in place to fully support the Nortel CertifiedRemanufactured program. As a supplier of Nortel Certified Remanufacturedequipment, our trained sales team understands the many challenges facingour customers today. Whether we are helping existing Nortel customersmaintain their network, or are reaching out to new customers, thisequipment allows us to offer customers complete telecom solutions."
Nortel Networks Ltd.