PacketHop Revs Up
PacketHop plans commercial mobile mesh networking solution to deliver instant broadband connectivity anytime, anywhere and to any device
November 10, 2003
BELMONT, Calif. -- PacketHop, Inc., today unveiled plans to deliver the first commercial application of mobile mesh networking technology for instant connectivity -- anytime, anywhere and to any device. Funded by U.S. Venture Partners and Mayfield, PacketHop has been awarded the exclusive technology license and patents from SRI International, building on 30 years of innovation and $50 million in related R&D trials.
"PacketHop is seizing the opportunity to transform mobile communications," said Michael Howse, CEO and co-founder of PacketHop. "Whether sharing mission-critical data between emergency relief workers, controlling traffic patterns among diverse car makes and models, or exchanging media-rich voice and video files for enterprise and consumer markets -- PacketHop's technology is enabling the future of ubiquitous wireless networking."
PacketHop delivers scalable networking to mobile devices and computers -- providing high-end broadband capabilities and instant connectivity -- while reducing or eliminating dependence on fixed infrastructure. The company's mobile mesh networking technology -- the first commercially viable, cost-effective software solution -- uses standard Internet protocols (IP), commercially available radios and existing operating systems.
"SRI is excited to contribute to the commercialization of this technology," said Dr. Norman Winarsky, vice president of ventures and strategic programs at SRI International. "As the technology moved from a laboratory concept to field tests, it became clear that mobile mesh networking technology will be a key driver in the evolution of wireless communications."
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