OpenDaylight in Pictures: It Just Got Real
The ODL crowd broke out of Silicon Valley to bring their annual summit to the software mecca of Bellevue, Wash.
September 30, 2016
The third OpenDaylight Summit was the first to take place outside of Silicon Valley, and also groundbreaking as a celebration and broad discussion of actual deployments and real-world usage of ODL controllers.
Executive Director Neela Jacques kicked things off with a keynote in which he stressed that the theme of the event was "It just got real," and that point was driven home by presentations from AT&T, Telstra and Tencent on how they are putting ODL controllers to work.
Being a developer conference, there was also a certain amount of silliness, although fewer folks in bare feet and t-shirts than at some previous events.
Click on the image below to start the slideshow. And for more of our OpenDaylight coverage, click on the article links below the photo.
Figure 1: Kicking It Off Neela Jacques, in his keynote address, paid tribute to three key players in getting OpenDaylight off the ground: Dan Pitt, former executive director of the Open Networking Foundation, which launched software-defined networking as an open source initiative; Margaret Chiosi, long-time AT&T executive and strong open source advocate; and Tony Tkacik from Pantheon, now part of Cisco, who was a key developer of the model-driven service adaptation layer.
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— Carol Wilson, Editor-at-Large, Light Reading
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