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NTT and RIPE Network Coordination Centre operate K-root server in Tokyo
April 20, 2005
TOKYO -- NTT Communications (NTT Com) today announced the launch of an instance of the K-root server in Tokyo. The mirror server is the first global node outside Europe. It will be operated by NTT Com together with the Reseaux IP Europeans Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC). It is expected to help stabilize the Internet infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region.
The K-root server is one of the 13 Internet root name servers around the world that resolve lookups for domain names and form a critical part of the global Internet infrastructure. The Domain Name System (DNS) is a service used to translate between host names and Internet Protocol (IP) addresses by virtually all Internetworking software, including e-mail and web browsers.
The K-root server incorporates IP anycast technology, using routing topology to direct Internet traffic to the nearest or best destination. This enables better distribution of requests and improves response times for end users.
In response to Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on root servers in October 2002, the RIPE NCC has worked to improve the reliability of the DNS by installing mirror root servers, mainly in Europe. NTT Com installed an F-root server with ISC (Internet Systems Consortium) in Osaka to address similar attacks in October 2004.
The Tokyo K-root server is the result of an agreement between NTT Com and the RIPE NCC to work together to increase the stability and reliability of the Internet.
NTT Com, under an open policy, will make the new mirror server available to Internet exchange services, such as Internet Multifeed's JPNAP and Widely Integrated Distributed Environment (WIDE) project's dix-ie, as well as NTT Com7sGlobal IP Network Services.
NTT Communications Corp.
RIPE Network Coordination Centre
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