TUSCON -- NP Photonics, a leading innovator ofadvanced micro fiber products for sensing and scientific applications,today announced the appointment of Pat Edsell as president and CEO. Patbrings over 20 years of senior executive experience in the optical andmicroelectronics manufacturing industries to NP Photonics.
Previously, Pat was President and CEO of Gigabit Optics Corporation, anintegrated photonics company, where he restructured the company andbrought customer focus to the forefront, resulting in over 40 customersand more than 20 design wins as well as obtaining Telcordiaqualification for all Gigabit products.
Prior to Gigabit Optics, he was chairman, president and CEO ofSpectra-Physics, Inc. (NASDAQ: SPLI), for 11 years during which time hewas responsible for positioning the company as the premier globalsupplier of broad-based laser technology to the telecom,computer/microelectronics manufacturing, medical, graphics and researchmarkets. During this period, he orchestrated a turnaround that resultedin the company becoming profitable, increasing the annual revenue from$80 million to $210 million. Additionally, he guided Spectra-Physicsthrough its initial public offering in 1997.
"We are very pleased to have Pat as part of our team,” said NasserPeyghambarian, chairman and founder of NP Photonics. “His track recordof creating and operating profitable, customer-focused teams along withhis vast experience in the laser industry will be integral to ourcompany's continued success."
NP Photonics Inc.