RESTON, Va. -- Nextel Communications Inc., (NASDAQ:NXTL), announced today, in conjunction with its consensus parties from the public safety community and private wireless industry, a detailed filing with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that provides additional information in support of the consensus plan for improving public safety communications in the 800 MHz band. The supplemental filing details the timeline and mechanics of the proposed realignment process, specifically addressing the relocation and retuning of incumbent licensees at 800 MHz, and the rights and obligations of licensees during and after the realignment. The consensus parties have addressed additional interference protections for licensees after the realignment process and how the plan would be implemented in the border areas adjacent to Canada and Mexico. In addition, Nextel has raised its commitment to assist in the realignment. Nextel has committed up to $850 million to facilitate the retuning and relocation for incumbent public safety and private wireless licensees. The retuning would be completed over a 42-month period commencing with the Commission's approval of the consensus plan. The first nine months of the plan will be dedicated to frequency planning and data collection. The movement of the largest public safety systems that require a substantial portion of funding will occur in the final stages of the plan. Nextel's funding commitment remains contingent upon the FCC licensing to Nextel a 10MHz block of contiguous spectrum at 1.9 GHz. Nextel Communications Inc.