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The Euro project's post-deadline ECOC papers from Mode-gap include one about 73Tbit/s mode-division multiplexing
September 19, 2012
AMSTERDAM -- MODE-GAP, the European collaborative R&D project which is part of the EU 7th Framework Programme and aims to provide Europe with a lead in the development of the next generation internet infrastructure, is to present three post deadline papers at tomorrow’s ECOC conference in Amsterdam.
They will include a transmission paper, which will reveal next level results for mode division multiplexing (MDM), achieving 73 Tb/s. The other two papers will highlight Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) and data transmission over hollow band-gap fibre at 2µm.
“Post deadline papers that are accepted at ECOC reflect only the latest leading edge results,” said MODE-GAP Project Manager Dr Ian Giles.
“Any organisation would be proud to have a single such paper approved and so presenting three highlights the significant progress the project is achieving and to truly world class levels.”
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