IRVINE, Calif. -- Lantronix, Inc. (Nasdaq:LTRX) announced MatchPort(tm) b/g, the Company's third generation, full-featured, secure, embedded wireless (802.11 b/g) networking device server module available for under $60 in volume. Withthe MatchPort b/g, OEM manufacturers can easily design-in standardscompliant, secure 802.11 b/g wireless connectivity giving theirproducts mobility and remote management capabilities. MatchPort b/g issuited for a variety of vertical applications includingtelematics/transportation, security access control, building/industrialautomation, medical, retail/POS and power/utilities metering.
The first in a family of form-factor and pin-compatible wireless andwired device networking platforms, MatchPort b/g enables OEMs tofuture-proof their product with a flexible, solution to match theirprice and performance requirements. Future additions to the MatchPortfamily will include a wired and a higher performance wireless version,allowing OEMs to design in the appropriate level of device networkingconnectivity as their needs dictate -- without having to redesign theirend device. These additional new products are slated to be released inthe second half of 2007.
"The explosive growth of WiFi technology in both corporate and consumermarkets is ushering in a new era of 'untethered' device networkingapplications," said Marc Nussbaum, CEO of Lantronix. "OEMs need asolution that is easily designed-in, guaranteed to be compatible withindustry standards and affordable. Until now, OEMs requiring lower costwireless solutions had to settle for proprietary analog RF transmissionsolutions such as 900 Mhz technology for their high-volume productdesigns. With the price/performance and power consumption breakthroughsof the MatchPort embedded device networking module, these proprietarysolutions can be replaced, making the OEMs device compatible withubiquitous, low-cost WiFi access points and standard web browsersoftware. With MatchPort b/g, Lantronix continues to lead the industrythrough innovation and a commitment to ongoing improvement in theaffordability of WiFi device networking."
Lantronix Inc. (Nasdaq: LTRX)