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JDSU releases 50 GHz WSS products to extend switching portfolio
March 9, 2011
MILIPiTAS, Calif. -- JDSU (NASDAQ: JDSU and TSX: JDU) today announced the release of three wavelength selective switch (WSS) products for 50 GHz applications, further extending its portfolio with the low-port-count (LPC) WSS, the Nano WSS, and the Mini WSS with monitoring capability.
The new products are based on the successful Mini 50 GHz WSS platform that provides network equipment manufacturers (NEM) and service providers additional solutions to optimize networks as consumers continue to use more bandwidth-intensive applications.
The new WSS products include:
LPC 50 GHz - 1x2 and 1x4 single-slot WSSs for either small-node or emerging edge and access applications, pushing re-configurability further to the edge of networks with a cost-and size-optimized solution.
Mini 50 GHz with Built-in Optical Power Monitor (OPM) - an extension of the current Mini 50 GHz that offers NEMs a cost-effective, high-density integrated solution.
Nano 50 GHz - a highly compact, standalone solution that lets NEMs create higher-density transport blades. Initially used in the JDSU Super Transport Blade, it can be integrated with all major optical components onto a single blade and let operators use dual WSSs on a single blade for next-generation route-and-select architectures."This extended portfolio of WSS solutions will support 40/100 G network rollouts that will continue over the next several years. It's a great milestone," said Gurpreet Mand, director of ROADM products at JDSU.
JDSU (Nasdaq: JDSU; Toronto: JDU)
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