LONDON -- Hutchison 3G UK today unveiled details of its forthcoming products and services to be marketed under the 3 brand, including details of special discounts and an outline of pricing options which will be made available to the first 20,000 ‘Founders’ customers to sign up to these offers with 3.As the UK’s first commercial 3G service, 3 will deliver live video calls, digital mapping and advanced satellite location-based services, exclusive video clips of Premiership football highlights, music, games, news and finance.The company also announced that its new expanded online customer pre-registration area at will allow prospective customers to explore a ‘sneak preview’ of what will be on offer, fill out an online questionnaire to define their personal preferences and register with 3 to receive progress updates. Those who pre-register online will also be invited to view an early preview demonstration of 3’s products and services in one of the company’s flagship ‘3Stores’ in London and Birmingham.Strategy and marketing director at 3, Lisa Gernon, said: “In 2002 more than 15,000 UK consumers participated in customer research designed to fine-tune every aspect of 3’s products and services. What we’re revealing today is the outcome of that extensive analysis. We’re very excited about the new medium we’re building, and we’re looking forward to delivering on our vision in the near future.”The company also announced there will be a special promotional discount for the first 20,000 ‘Founders’ customers to sign up to 3’s initial pricing options.‘Founders’ who take up these offers will be offered a choice of special pricing options which will include a discount on the recommended retail price of a handset and a substantial ‘bundle’ of voice call minutes, video call minutes, text, picture and video messages, email and multimedia content and services. These promotional pricing options will be aimed at heavy users of 3 services and will range from £59.99 per month for 12 months to £99.99 per month for 12 months.These promotional pricing options exclude international calls, calls made while abroad and premium rate calls. Handsets will be purchased separately, with recommended retail prices starting at £399 before promotional discounts. The offers will only be available for a limited time.Hutchison 3G UK Ltd.