MUNICH -- Garderos Software Innovations GmbH is providing Nocable ofNapoli with its access and accounting software for the management of wireless local areanetworks (WLANs). Nocable will use the software in a "hotspot-in-a-box" product. Thisenables business owners (of restaurants or cafés for instance) to easily and cost-effectivelyoffer high speed Internet access to their customers.
Nocable S.p.a., formed in 2002, is the first Italian virtual Mobile Operator authorized by theItalian Ministry of Communication to offer Wi-Fi at public places within cities. The company isnow in a position to offer a hotspot-in-a-box solution to a wide range of potential hotspotowners throughout Italy. It has launched a "Net Partner" programme, addressing potentialcustomers that are interested in the fast, reliable and secure deployment of their own PublicWLAN hotspots. WiTech S.r.l., a system integrator and spin-off of the University of Pisa, hasjoined "Net Partner", and has already begun with the deployment of hotspots across theregion of Tuscany.Garderos’ software is designed to meet Nocable’s demanding requirements for thedeployment of Public WLAN hotspots. Users get fast and secure high-speed access to theInternet or corporate intranets. Furthermore, they are billed to-the-second and can choosebetween different payment methods, e.g. prepaid card, credit card or even SMS.Hans Christensen, CEO of Garderos, is delighted by the new international customer.
"Nocable, its solution and its "Net Partner" programme are particularly appealing to hotspotoperators, and we are looking forward to seeing our software at work at hundreds of hotspotsacross Italy."
"We have tested the Garderos platform extensively," explains Marco Caldarazzo, CEO ofNocable, "and the results have been excellent. We count on it to accelerate our growth in theItalian WLAN market. Garderos’ software can truly be called a point of reference."
Garderos Software Innovations GmbH