Entone, Neterion Demo IPTV
Entone and Neterion showcase the first 10-Gigabit Ethernet HD IPTV demo
June 6, 2005
CHICAGO -- Entone Technologies, a leading provider of personal video content delivery solutions, and Neterion Inc. (formerly S2io Inc.), the market-share leader in 10 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter solutions for server and storage environments, have teamed up to provide the first 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) high-definition IPTV demonstration.
For the third consecutive year, the Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) has selected Entone as the exclusive IPTV provider for its SUPERDemo at SUPERCOMM. Integrated with Neterion’s 10 GigE technology, Entone’s widely deployed StreamLiner network video recorder (NVR) will provide video streaming to 30 of MEF’s participating members.
The MEF’s SUPERDemo will cover eight specific application and technology areas that will act as a major proof point that Carrier Ethernet is now ready to deliver ‘real world’ applications such as Triple-Play services with VoIP, IPTV and high-speed Internet access.
“This will be the world’s largest Carrier Ethernet interoperability demo of its kind,” stated Nan Chen, President of the MEF. “Now that Ethernet has been released from the confines of the local area network, it's time for us to show the world what Carrier Ethernet is capable of, in terms of delivering carrier-class applications and services to enterprise, residential and mobile markets. This is the perfect forum to demonstrate the key interoperability benefits that 10 GigE can deliver to service providers seeking Carrier Ethernet capabilities. Technologies from Entone and Neterion will further enable us to showcase a more comprehensive suite of advanced applications such as IPTV and video on demand (VOD).”
Entone Technologies Inc.
Neterion Inc.
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