WILMINGTON, Mass. -- DuPont Photonics Technologies, aprovider of practical integrated optical components and a wholly ownedsubsidiary of DuPont, announces its DuPont™ iROADTM, integratedreconfigurable optical add drop multiplexer (ROADM), product line. TheiROADTM products provide the most cost-effective solutions for dynamicremote provisioning of add/drop nodes in optical networks. They areideal for metro and access networks aimed at high wavelength managementflexibility and reduced capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operatingexpenditure (OPEX).
Based on DuPont’s proven and Telcordia-qualified library of opticalbuilding blocks and planar lightwave circuit (PLC) integrationtechnology, the iROADTM integrates optical switches, variable opticalattenuators (VOA) and power monitors to allow for the most compact andcost-effective solution for ROADM with built-in channel monitoring andautomatic channel balancing capabilities. The building block approachpermits easy customization to meet specific customer needs, includingchannel count from 4 to 40 and optional colorless (orany-channel-to-any-port) drop/add ports. Our PLC processes are similarto those of semiconductor IC and are ideal for automated high-volumemanufacturing. The iROADTM has demonstrated significant advantagesagainst alternative solutions and won praises from both system customersand carriers.
“Our ROADM products have the lowest insertion loss, PDL and powerdissipation among PLC based solutions and offers significant reductionsin both cost and size against wavelength blocker based products,” saidChuck Xu, vice president of marketing and business development at DuPontPhotonics. “The solid state optics approach also greatly improvesstability and reliability.”
DuPont Photonics Technologies LLC