BALTIMORE – NFOEC – WHO: Ramji Raghavan, co-founder and chief technology architect
Hakim F. Dhilla, co-founder and vice president of product management Coriolis Networks, Inc., founded in 1999, is delivering a family ofnext-generation metro optical networking products that redefines the economicsfor delivery and management of traditional TDM and rapidly growing dataservices.WHAT: The two speakers will present their paper, "Velocity of ServiceProvisioning & Lower Operating Costs Will Drive the Deployment of MetroOptical Networks", in the Metro Network Economics session. The presentation will cover the critical cost factors that impact theprovisioning and operations of metro optical networks, including:
· Single-step A-Z-Q provisioning
· Centralized, policy-based management
· Transport channels based on carrier SLAs
· Use of an intelligent control planeWHERE: Meeting Rooms 339 & 342 (levels 3 and 4)
Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, MDWHEN: Track F: Business Strategies and Drivers for Optical Networks
Session F6
Wednesday, July 11, 2001 3:30 p.m.Coriolis Networks Inc.For more information on NFOEC, please visit the Light Reading NFOEC Site.