WASHINGTON DC-- Having a weird company name and boring products seems to have got to the marketing staff at Nbase-Xyplex (http://www.nbase-xyplex.com)
At the recent Comnet show, they adorned their booth with the following adverts for the company’s Fiber Driver products:
-A large man looking down at a little man at neighboring urinals, with a caption that said: “And you call that bandwidth?”
-A man and woman embracing while three other women waited in line. The caption said: “Can’t get enough out of one? We’ll give you three more.”
The adverts certainly did the trick in terms of attracting attention – so much so that embarrassed booth staff tried to move them out of view.
"I've no idea what made them do it, I just work here,” said Mark Bohs, a sales person on the booth.
—Peter Heywood, international editor, Light Reading, http://www.lightreading.com